A Team that Makes Sense

We are proud to offer a program for healing back pain and discomfort that is original to Pearson & Weary - and that gets extraordinary results for our clients. The opt-in Collaborative Back Care program is a six-visit course of treatment during which you'll be treated by four of our expert providers. Instead of having to seek out a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a movement specialist, and a nutritionist on your own time - an investment of hours and hours, not to mention the legwork - our practitioners operation in a one-stop shop efficient diagnosis and treatment.
Because our providers collaborate on your individual needs, comparing notes on your needs at the end of each of your visits, we're able to speed up your recovery and get you on the road to peak health in just a few weeks!

How it Works
Clients who sign up for the CBC program can expect the following:
An initial diagnosis from one of our Doctors
Consultation with a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a movement specialist, and nutritionist
Collaboration between all four practitioners to hash out a best six-week course of treatment for your individual needs
Access to an exclusive cache of up to 20 different short videos choses especially to help you become an expert on your own whole body health
Long-Term Results

The collaborative approach that sees four of our practitioners working together on your case means that you get 100% of the best possible care in 20% of the time it would take you to seek out individual providers elsewhere.
When your six week CBC program comes to an end, you'll
Graston-Hall Technique
We have access to a tool-assisted therapy, known as the Graston tools, that increase blood flow to aid in the healing process. These beveled metal tools are used to scrape the skin gently and have been shown to aid in healing. You can think of this approach as a deeper, more intense version of manual therapy and it can be beneficial in areas with slower than expected recovery.
Dr. James Cox developed a unique treatment table to treat herniated discs in the lumbar spine and cervical spine. Disc challenges are common conditions, and in addition to manipulation, using the distraction tables can help reduce herniations, helping to avoid the need for disc surgery. Both Dr. Weary and Dr. Pearson have completed extra training in Indianapolis to use the table efficiently. We have two of these unique tables in the clinic. Patients appreciate this treatment and find it very easy and comfortable.
AMIT was developed by Dr. Alan Beardall and further developed by Dr. Craig Buhler, who certifies chiropractors worldwide in this treatment. Both Dr. Pearson and Dr. Weary have completed the year-long training and completed their certification. AMIT is used to restore the function of muscles how have become inhibited from trauma or overwork. This work included stimulating various reflex points in the body to help reboot the body's ability to effectively use a muscle. If for example, you fell on your hip, you can traumatize and inhibit muscle that controls the position of the femur in the acetabulum in the pelvic joint. If a muscle cannot operate effectively, it cannot control the joint effectively, then chronic pain ensues. This treatment can be the answer to many chronic pain conditions.
Strain Counter-Strain (SCS)
SCS is an approach that helps muscles relax when they are having a hard time letting go. Depending on the injury's circumstance, the body can keep a muscle engaged, even when the condition no longer serves its purpose. SCS is a gentle soft tissue therapy that requires extra postgraduate training. Dr. Jamie Gore has special certification and can provide this approach when the muscles do not respond to stretching and massage.